Centralize the number of posts to show to front matter

This commit is contained in:
Zach Leatherman 2023-01-30 17:11:37 -06:00
parent ed48ef453d
commit 9fa7458062

View file

@ -3,17 +3,19 @@ layout: layouts/home.njk
key: Home
order: 1
numberOfLatestPostsToShow: 3
{% set postsCount = collections.posts | length %}
{% set latestPostsCount = postsCount | min(3) %}
{% set latestPostsCount = postsCount | min(numberOfLatestPostsToShow) %}
<h1>Latest {{ latestPostsCount }} Post{% if latestPostsCount != 1 %}s{% endif %}</h1>
{% set postslist = collections.posts | head(-3) %}
{% set postslist = collections.posts | head(-1 * numberOfLatestPostsToShow) %}
{% set postslistCounter = postsCount %}
{% include "postslist.njk" %}
{% if postsCount > 3 %}
<p>More posts can be found in <a href="/blog/">the archive</a>.</p>
{% set morePosts = postsCount - numberOfLatestPostsToShow %}
{% if morePosts > 0 %}
<p>{{ morePosts }} more post{% if morePosts != 1 %}s{% endif %} can be found in <a href="/blog/">the archive</a>.</p>
{% endif %}
{# List every content page in the project #}