Swap to use an upstream theme directly from the prismjs node_modules
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 44 additions and 128 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const pluginRss = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss");
const pluginSyntaxHighlight = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight");
const pluginNavigation = require("@11ty/eleventy-navigation");
const { EleventyI18nPlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
const languageStrings = require("./i18n.js");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
@ -12,7 +13,10 @@ module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// Copy the contents of the `public` folder to the output folder
// For example, `./public/css/` ends up in `_site/css/`
eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy({"./public/": "/"});
"./public/": "/",
"./node_modules/prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css": "/css/prism-theme.css",
// Add plugins
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
{#- Uncomment this if you’d like folks to know that you used Eleventy to build your site! #}
{#- <meta name="generator" content="{{ eleventy.generator }}"> #}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/index.css' | url }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/prism-base16-monokai.dark.css' | url }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/prism-theme.css' | url }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/prism-diff.css' | url }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/index.css' | url }}">
<link rel="alternate" href="{{ '/feed/feed.xml' | url }}" type="application/atom+xml" title="{{ metadata.title }}">
<link rel="alternate" href="{{ '/feed/feed.json' | url }}" type="application/json" title="{{ metadata.title }}">
@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. A
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
+ let counter = 0;
+ counter++;
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
+ let counter = 0;
- let counter = 1;
// Test with a line break above this line.
// Test with a line break above this line.
@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ layout: layouts/post.njk
Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
+ let counter = 0;
- counter++;
let counter = 0;
// Test with a line break above this line.
@ -5,13 +5,11 @@ layout: layouts/post.njk
Aproveche los marcos ágiles para proporcionar una sinopsis sólida para descripciones generales de alto nivel. Los enfoques iterativos de la estrategia corporativa fomentan el pensamiento colaborativo para promover la propuesta de valor general. Hacer crecer orgánicamente la visión holística del mundo de la innovación disruptiva a través de la diversidad y el empoderamiento en el lugar de trabajo.
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
+ let counter = 0;
- counter++;
let counter = 0;
// Test with a line break above this line.
@ -92,25 +92,23 @@ table th {
code {
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line-height: 1.5;
pre {
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code {
word-break: break-all;
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
code[class*="language-"], pre[class*="language-"] {
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hyphens: none;
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pre[class*="language-"] {
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:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"] {
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.token.comment, .token.prolog, .token.doctype, .token.cdata {
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.token.namespace {
opacity: .7;
.token.operator, .token.boolean, .token.number {
color: #fd971f;
.token.property {
color: #f4bf75;
.token.tag {
color: #66d9ef;
.token.string {
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.token.placeholder, .token.variable {
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font-style: italic;
.token.important, .token.bold {
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.token.entity {
cursor: help;
pre > code.highlight {
outline: 0.4em solid #f92672;
outline-offset: .4em;
@ -3,15 +3,17 @@
pre[class*="language-diff-"] {
--eleventy-code-padding: 1.25em;
--eleventy-code-padding: 1.25em;
padding-left: var(--eleventy-code-padding);
padding-right: var(--eleventy-code-padding);
.token.deleted {
background-color: hsl(0, 51%, 37%);
color: inherit;
.token.inserted {
background-color: hsl(126, 31%, 39%);
color: inherit;
/* Make the + and - characters unselectable for copy/paste */
@ -20,13 +22,16 @@ pre[class*="language-diff-"] {
.token.prefix.deleted {
-webkit-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: var(--eleventy-code-padding);
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
.token.prefix.deleted {
width: var(--eleventy-code-padding);
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
/* Optional: full-width background color */
Add table
Reference in a new issue