"use strict"; const config = { homeserver: "https://matrix.example.com/" /* The full matrix homeserver, not just the delegated domain */, token: "..." /* The access token of the bot account */, prefix: "!q " /* The command !prefix - bot will only respond to messages that are valid commands starting with it */, imag: "https://imag.example.com/" /* The Imag instance the bot should post to */, imag_key: "..." /* The Imag instance's access key */, autojoin: false /* Should the bot auto-join rooms its invited to? */, admin: "@admin:example.com" /* The administrator of the bot (can use commands such as !join */, room: "#quotes:example.com" /* The first room to join on bot startup, can be a room ID or alias */, debug: false /* If debug mode is enabled or not */, }; export default config;